
For students in Archaeology, Classics, and History of Art, multiple Areté Fellowships, Multidisciplinary Fellowships, Curatorial Fellowships, 和其他捐赠奖学金和助学金,除了助教奖学金, Graduate Assistantships, GSAS Fellowships, and the Dean's Fellowships. The Supplemental Summer Support (SSRF和RA)在夏季提供加强的支持. 所有助教奖学金,研究生助教奖学金和奖学金包括 tuition waivers and health insurance subsidies. 考古学研究生组全日制学生的年度经济资助, Classics, and History of Art (GGACHA), including the tuition waiver, health insurance subsidy and estimated SSRF, ranges from $72,072 - $93,406 in 2023-2024.

How to Apply

所有考古研究生组的在读学生, Classics, 和艺术史(GGACHA)必须每年完成GSAS财务支持申请, 即使是持有保证多年的奖学金, through the link below


The deadline for support applications is Nov. 20, 2023. Supplemental materials are due Dec. 18, 2023. 馆长奖学金补充申请截止日期为 Dec. 18, 2023.

Teaching and Graduate Assistantships

教学和研究生助教奖学金的津贴为30美元,000 in 2023-2024, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到两个单元不等的学费奖励, and are awarded for one year, usually to advanced students. 助教或助教每学期最多只能修两节课. 助教奖学金提供最多17人的津贴.每周工作5小时,从事部门分配的教学(TA)或非教学(GA)工作. 

GSAS Fellowships

GSAS Fellowships carry stipends of $30,000 in 2023-2024, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到三个单元的学费奖励. 

Dean's Fellowships

Dean's Fellowships carry stipends of $30,000 in 2023-2024, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到三个单元的学费奖励. 该奖由院长颁发给论文写作最后一年的学生或少数族裔学生, based on departmental recommendations. 每年每个院系都有一个院长奖学金,每年招收新生.

Areté Fellowships

aret(古典希腊语中卓越的意思)奖学金, for students with outstanding academic potential, carry stipends of $32,000 in 2023-2024, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到三个单元的学费奖励. 

Multi-Disciplinary Fellowships

Multi-Disciplinary Fellowships Fellowships, f或有抱负和技能在研究生组的一个以上部门进行研究生水平的学习的学生, carry stipends of $31,000 in 2023-2024, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到三个单元的学费奖励. 

Curatorial Fellowships

Curatorial Fellowships 是否适用于高级学生,可以奖励一学年,一个学期或一个暑假. They carry stipends of $15,500 per semester, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到三个单元的学费奖励.  策展奖学金授予一个学期的许可,最多17个.5 hours per week working on supervised projects. 您可以在此找到往届获奖者及其项目的名单 here.

Typically, 项目要么基于推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜特别收藏,要么基于费城的机构. 如果申请人可以与当地主管和他们的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜赞助商达成适当的安排,他们可以自由地参与其他机构. 教师赞助者帮助学生在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜建立适当的联系. 

Prior to applying for a Curatorial Fellowship, 学生必须与合作机构的工作人员会面,设计该机构的策展项目. 申请这些奖项需要补充申请材料(请参阅 Application form for Curatorial Fellowship). 申请将由研究生小组指导委员会审核, 提名两名学生给研究生院院长.

Curatorial Fellowship Application  

Bryne Rubel Travel Fellowships

Bryne Rubel Fellowships carry stipends of $31,000 in 2023-2024, a health insurance subsidy, 以及每学期从继续注册到三个单元的学费奖励. 

Who is eligible? 
Ph.D. 在美国以外学习拉丁语,希腊语或考古学的候选人.S.,或为布林莫尔的拉丁学生提供服务.

Supplemental materials required? 
Yes, 但仅限于计划出国留学的学生 Application Form for Travel Fellowships). All applicants are required to submit a 简短的项目描述和简短的陈述,解释为什么项目需要在指定的国家/地区存在(ca. 2 pages); and a budget outlining clearly estimated expenses, such as airfare, local travel, visa fees, housing, and fees.

布莱尼·鲁贝尔奖学金并非每年都有. 申请将由研究生组指导委员会审核, 谁会提名学生给研究生院院长. GSAS通常在资金允许的情况下每年颁发一到两个奖学金.

Fanny Bullock Workman Travel Fellowship

Who is eligible? 
Ph.D. candidates in archaeology or history of art

Supplemental materials required?
Yes. 申请人必须提交一份提案,详细说明范妮·布洛克·沃克曼旅行奖学金将如何加强他们对论文的研究. 教师推荐信也是必需的. 

工人奖学金并不是每年都有. GSAS通常在资金允许的情况下每年颁发一个奖学金. It is not available in 2023-2024.

Doris Sill Carland Fellowship

Who is eligible?
Advanced students from all Ph.D. 授予曾担任助教并在教学中表现出色的学生. 

Supplemental materials required?
No. 教师在学生的家庭计划将提名候选人为该奖项基于, in part, on strong teaching evaluations.

多丽丝·希尔·卡兰奖学金并非每年都有. GSAS通常在资金允许的情况下每年颁发一个奖学金.

Marguerite N. Farley Fellowship

Who is eligible? 
Applicants and continuing students from all Ph.D. 授予来自美国以外国家的项目.S. and who hold temporary resident status.

Supplemental materials required? 
No. 学院可以提名申请人和继续学习的学生,继续学习的学生可以通过在GSAS财务支持申请表上勾选复选框来自我提名.

The GSAS will generally award one Marguerite N. Farley Fellowship per year.

Additional Grants with No Required Applications

  • Bryne Rubel Grant

Who is eligible?
Ph.D. candidates in Latin, Greek or Archaeology

Supplemental materials required?
No. 学生家庭项目的教师提名该奖项的候选人. 学生不申请这个奖项,所以不需要提交额外的材料

布莱恩·鲁贝尔奖助学金并不总是每年发放一次. 在资金允许的情况下,GSAS通常会在每年颁发一次补助金.

  • Theodore Ely Grant

Who is eligible? 
Ph.D. candidates in archaeology or history of art.

Supplemental materials required? 
No. 学生家庭项目的教师提名该奖项的候选人. 学生不申请这个奖项,所以不需要提交额外的材料.

西奥多·伊利·格兰特并不总是每年都有. 在资金允许的情况下,GSAS通常会在每年颁发一次补助金.