
推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 maintains a subscription to Zoom, 基于云的网络会议服务, 让学生, 教师, 并且工作人员可以用它来记录, stream and share audio and video recordings. All College community members who use Zoom are subject to Zoom’s 服务条款. Zoom’s 隐私政策 explains what data the company collects from users and how the company uses that data. 
本文档概述了, internal policies that LITS has adopted to manage Zoom as a service for the 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 community. These internal policies augment, but in no way override, Zoom’s policies.


As with any College-provided IT resource, all users must follow the terms of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s 可接受使用政策 when using Zoom; failure to do so may result in the penalties outlined in that policy.


Panopto’s policies explain the rights that you and Zoom have with respect to the User-Generated Content that you create or upload to Zoom (e.g., recordings; see 服务条款) and any Personal Data generated by your use of Panopto (see 隐私政策). Personal Data includes the “Account Data” and “Operation Data” generated as you interact with Zoom, such as data about meetings you schedule and time-stamped information about the meetings and webinars you attend or recordings you view. 

这项政策只澄清了谁 在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 can see User-Generated Content and Personal Data 商店d in Zoom. 

Access permissions on Zoom are role-based: 

  • The person who schedules a Meeting or Webinar has a “Host” role, which enables them to:
    • Control what other participants can see and do during the Meeting or Webinar, including whether they can record locally and save chat and audio transcription files. 
    • 记录会议, save chat and audio transcription files, and manage and control access to these recordings and files. 默认情况下, Zoom shares links to recordings and saved files with participants, but recordings can’t be downloaded; hosts can override these defaults for meetings they control. 
    • 如果主机允许注册, Hosts can view and download the registration list and any Personal Data individuals provided when registering.
    • 如果启用了轮询, Hosts can view and download a record of poll responses; in non-anonymous polls, responses will be tied to the individual’s screen name (and email address if registration is enabled).  
  • Participants can see only the Content and data that Hosts enable them to see. 
  • A small number of 图书馆 and 资讯科技服务 (LITS) staff have Admin roles in Zoom and can access all User-Generated Content, 用户帐号数据, and Operational Data related to the College’s account.
    • Admins use content and data pertaining to individual, identified users to the extent needed to:
      • 保持系统运行, 
      • Help users troubleshoot and fix technical issues
      • Provide the Honor Board or Offices of the Undergraduate Dean, the Dean of the 研究生 School of Social Work and Social 研究, or the Dean of the 艺术与科学研究生院 with data and information needed to adjudicate questions of credit and academic integrity
      • Provide administrative offices with data needed to conduct college business.
    • 管理员也可以编译, 商店, 和份额合计, anonymized Account and Operational Data as needed for the purposes of educational research and college business, but this data will not be traceable to identifiable individuals.

All use of data collected and 商店d in Zoom, 包括管理员的使用, is governed by the terms of 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s 数据处理策略; failure to observe these terms can result in the penalties described in that policy. 从Zoom下载的文件, 包括但不限于录音, 成绩单, 报告也必须被使用, 传播, and 商店d in a manner consistent with 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜’s Acceptable Use and Data Handling Policies.

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) law also governs the use of student educational records collected and 商店d on Panopto, 比如课程会议的录音. More information about the rights and responsibilities created by this law and related College policies.


Our Zoom license provides very limited storage for cloud recordings. LITS has connected Panopto and Zoom and all Zoom Meetings and Webinars that are recorded to the cloud are automatically ingested into Panopto for longer-term storage. Cloud recordings will be deleted from Zoom after 90 days; the copies 商店d in Panopto will be retained according to the schedule specified in our Panopto服务政策.   

Users can delete their recordings any time. 出于隐私考虑, LITS strongly recommends deleting recordings containing identifiable persons as soon as the recordings are are no longer needed.






图书馆 and 资讯科技服务

